Wow, I'm out of here in ten days. I've been wrapping up loose ends and trying to cram in as much fun as possible before I leave. Last weekend I drove a van-load of stuff up to my parents' house on Cape Cod. That leaves me with my furniture which is currently for sale on Craigslist, my kitchen stuff which I am giving to a friend, and whatever I am taking on my trip. Speaking of Craigslist, I had three people over this evening picking stuff up. Anybody need a bed and dresser?
As far as work goes, I'm pretty much killing time. I picked up my separation orders today from the personnel staff at our office. That makes it about as official as it gets. I need to go over to CG Headquarters medical clinic and get my medical record so I can make copies of it.
For trip preps: I got my GPS in the mail today. Hopefully the mount shows up soon. I also bought a special wire harness so I can hardwire it to the bike. My new Carhartts should show up any day now. They will be my one pair of pants for 75 days. How about a sponsorship Carhartt? For protective gear I had bought a new pair of leather pants, which turned out to be absolute garbage. I returned them and ended up with a pair of synthetic motorcycle pants instead. For any riders reading this, check out Olympia motorsports. They seem pretty high quality. I also bought a waterproof housing for my video camera so I can get footage in all sorts of environments. It ill probably be good for protecting the camera from road debris as well.
I'm really getting excited. It's still pretty surreal that I am about to leave the Coast Guard. I guess doing something for nine years can make it hard to walk away. I only have eight more days of shaving, and then I swap Coast Guard blue for Harley Davidson black.
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