Saturday, February 13, 2010

Checking In August 2nd, 2009

Greetings from Ypsilanti, Michigan.  I started my trip yesterday from Kitty O'Shea's in Arlington, VA.  My friends Ben and Erik followed me out of town on their bikes, and came all the way to Pennsylvania with we before turning back.  I carried on to Butler, Pennsylvania, where my best friend from college now lives with his wife.  We had a great visit.  Too short, but a lot of fun.  We sat out the morning rain eating chili-dogs at the famous Brighton Hot Dog Shoppe and then I hit the road to Michigan to visit a college friend and my roommate from Maine, Doug.  Doug and his girlfriend treated me to some delicious hamburgers and Doug and I played some catch-up.  So far I've hit Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan.  
I think the immensity of my trip hit me on my way out of town.  Usually when I hit the road I get a bit of downer sensation knowing that I'll be back in a few days, and often times over the same roads I left on.  I got that same feeling on Saturday morning when I merged on to 270 West, which is how I start a lot of my big trips up North.  This time, however, I shook it off when I realezed that if I came back on that same road it wouldn't be for at least 70 days.  It was pretty liberating.  Tomorrow I'm off to Chicago, which is a first for me.
Hope there are actually people reading this out there.  Feel free to leave a comment so I know I'm not talking to an empty cyberspace!  I also posted a few pics in the border crossing tab of my photo gallery.  Thanks for stopping by, and check back soon. 

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